Population of Spain was 38.8 million in 1986. Projected 40 million
by 1990, 42 million by 2000.The rate of annual growth from is from
0.8 percent to 1.2 percent from 1930s to 1980s. Growth rates are
expected to level off or to decline slightly for remainder of the
twentieth century.
The official language of Spain is Castilian Spanish and dominant
in usage, especially in formal settings, but is estimated one of
four Spanish citizens had a different mother tongue.
In the new Constitution of 1978, hereby allows for other languages
to be "co-official" within respective autonomous communities, such
as (Catalan, Galician, Euskera the Basque language, Valencian, and
99 percent of Spain's religion are of the Roman Catholic faith.
The other 1 percent consists mostly of other Christian denominations,
including a small Jewish community.
Society generally becomes more secular as society and economy becomes
more modern and developed.
1978 guaranteed religious freedom by the Constitution, which formally
disestablishes Roman Catholicism as the official religion.
But the churches still enjoys somewhat privileged status. The continuing
government financial aid to church was a contentious issue in the
late 1980s.