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Russia History and Culture


Around the year 1200 B.C and by the year 800s, the Balkan or also known as the Salve were settled here. During the year 1237, the Mongol Empire invaded and ruled Russia, for over 200 years, until a long line of Russian czars began their reign.

By the early 1900s,revolutionary groups have emerged, and in the year 1917, a group called the Bolsheviks led a revolution under Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. Czar Nicholas II was killed, and Lenin set up a communist government, forming the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics ( U.S.S.R )

Lenin’s successor, Joseph Stalin, ruled by terror from 1929 until 1953.He was followed by less oppressive leaders such as Khrushchev, Brezhnev and Kosygin. During the year 1940s to the 1980s known as the Cold War was often referred to a period of distrust between the communist countries in the east.

When Mikhail Gorbachev became president in the 1980s, he introduced reforms that gave the people greater freedom. At this time, some republics began to demand independence by the year 1990s; most of the republics were part of a Commonwealth of Independent States. Boris Yelstin became Russia’s new president.

During the Soviet period it was institutions more than individuals that shaped the arts in Russia. Consequently, museums, libraries, and theaters played a major part in the country's artistic life and they continue to be important in post-Soviet Russia.


Acknowledgements: ASIATRAVELMART.COM

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