Evidence of settlement in Peru dates back thousands of years but,
except for some scattered ruins, little is known of these early
In about 1250 BC groups such as the Chavνn, Chimϊ, Nazca, and Tiahuanaco
migrated into the region from the north. The Chimϊ built the city
of Chan Chan about AD 1000, ruins of which remain today.
The Native American heritage of Peru is one of the richest in South
America. Although Spain gave Peru its language, religion, and rulers,
the civilization of the Inca has left its traces throughout Peruvian
Archaeological excavations have uncovered monumental remains of
Native American societies. Architecture of the Spanish colonial
period, a fusion of Spanish and Native American forms, is called
Creole. In art today, the indigenist school pointedly interprets
20th-century Peru in a Native American mode.