Passports and Visas
Visitors entering Barbados should be in possession of a valid
passport and a valid return ticket. A visitor who is a citizen
of the United States of America or Canada traveling direct
from these countries may be admitted without a passport for
a period not exceeding three (3) months. However, proof of
nationality, by means of an original birth certificate or
citizenship papers, valid driver's licence with photograph
or photo identification will be required.
Visas are required for citizens from: Eastern European countries,
the C.I.S., the People's Republic of China, Taiwan, South
Africa, India, Pakistan, non -Commonwealth Countries of Africa,
all South American Countries except : Argentina, Brazil, Columbia
and Venezuela.
Major credit cards are accepted in most of the hotels, restaurants
and commercial establishments.
Travelers cheques in U.S., U.K. and Canadian funds are also
cashable at many outlets. There are many banks in Barbados
(mostly British and Canadian).
Bring clothes for the tropics. Light cotton dresses and light
jackets for formal wear. Casual slacks and lightweight sports
for the times when you are not in a bathing suit. Beachwear
should also include sunglasses, sunblock and beach footwear.