Ambassade de la République
Algerienne: 4th. Floor Comcraft House, Haile, Selassie Ave.,
P.O. Box 53902, Nairobi, Tel: 213864/5/6 Fax: 337286 217477
E-Mail: algerianembassy@form-net.com
Embajada de la República Argentina:
7th. Floor Town House, Kaunda Street /
P.O. Box 30283, Nairobi / Tel: 335242/339949
Fax: 217693 /
E-Mail: argentina@form-net.com
Australian High Commission: ICIPE
House, River Side Drive off Chiromo Road
P.O. Box 39341, Nairobi / Tel: 445034-3
Fax: 444617
Austria: Österreich Botschaft,
6th Floor Posta Sacco Plaza, P.O. Box 30560, Nairobi,
Tel: 228281/2 Fax: 331972
Bangladesh High Commission: Ole
Odume Road off Argwings, Kodhek Road ,
P.O. Box 41645, Nairobi / Tel: 562815-6
Fax: 562817
Ambassade de Belgique - Ambassade
van Belgïe: Muthaiga, Limuru Road
P.O. Box 30461, Nairobi / Tel: 741564-8
Fax: 741568 belgianemb_ke@form-net.com
Embaixada do Brasil: 4th. Floor
Jeevan Bharati Building, Harambee Ave
P.O. Box 30754, Nairobi / Tel: 332649/215755
Fax: 336245
Ambassade de Burundi:14th Floor
Development House, Moi Avenue / P O Box 44439, Nairobi / Tel:
218458 Fax: 219005
Canadian High Commission: Haut
Commissariat du Canada / 6th. Floor Comcraft House, Haile, Selassie
Ave. / P O Box 30481, Nairobi / Tel: 214804 Fax: 226987
Embajada de la República de
Chile: 5th Floor International House, Mama Ngina St.
P.O. Box 45554, Nairobi / Tel: 337934/331320
Fax: 215648 echileke@form-net.com
Embassy of the People's Republic of
China: Woodlands Road, Hurlingham
P.O. Box 30508, Nairobi / Tel: 722559
Fax: 746402
Embajada de la República de Colombia:
Muthaiga Road, House No. 3
P.O. Box 48494, Nairobi Tel: 765927
Fax: 765911 E-Mail: embcol@form-net.com
Consulat Honoraire de la République
Fédérale et Islamique des Comores:
Nation Centre, Kimathi Street / P.O. Box
43912, Nairobi / Tel: 222964 Fax: 222564
Consulado de la República de
Costa Rica: Geosurvey Building Wilson Airport, Langata Rd.
/ P.O. Box 30750, Nairobi / Tel: 500226/721845 Fax: None
E-Mail: aranibarmkt@form-net.com
Consulat Honoraire de la République
de Côte d'Ivoire: Lonrho House, Standard Street /
P.O. Box 22683, Nairobi / Tel: 220179 Fax: 211677/228427
Cyprus High Comission:
5th Floor Eagle House, KimathiStreet / P O Box 30739,
Nairobi / Tel: 220881/441954 Fax: 331232
Embassy of the Czech Republic:
Embassy House, Harambee Road / P.O. Box 48785, Nairobi / Tel:
210494 Fax: None
Kondegelige Dansk Ambassade: 11th
Floor HFCK Building, Kenyatta Avenue
P O Box 40412, Nairobi / Tel: 331088/9
Fax: 331492
Ambassade de la République
de Djibouti: 2nd Floor Comcraft House, Haile Selassie Ave.
/ P.O. Box 59528, Nairobi / Tel: 339640/336433
Fax: None
Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt:
7th Floor Harambee Plaza, Haile Selassie Ave. / P.O. Box 30285,
Nairobi / Tel: 570360 Fax: 211560
Embassy of the State of Eritrea:
2nd Floor New Rehema House, Raphta Road
P.O. Box 38651, Nairobi /
Tel: 443163 Fax: 443165
Embassy of Ethiopia: State House
Avenue / P.O. Box 45198, Nairobi
Tel: 723027 Fax: 723401
Finland: Suomen suur Lähetystö:
2nd Floor International House, Mama Ngina St.
P.O. Box 30379, Nairobi / Tel: 334777/334408
Fax: 335986
Ambassade de France: 9th Floor
Barclays Plaza, Loita Street / P.O. Box 41784, Nairobi
/ Tel: 339783/339978 Fax: 339421 / E-Mail: ienkenya@form-net.com
French Cultural Centre: maisonfrance@form-net.com
French Embassy in Nairobi, Kenya -
Here -
Consulat Honoraire de la République
de Gabon: Hotel Intercontinental, City Hall Way P.O. Box
30353, Nairobi Tel: 335550 ext. 8900 Fax: 337854
Botschaft der Bundesrepublik Deutschland:
4th Floor Williamson House, Ngong Road P O Box 30180, Nairobi
Tel: 712527-30 Fax: 714886 bavaria@form-net.com
Embassy of Greece: 13th Floor
Nation Centre, Kimathi Street P.O. Box 30543, Nairobi Tel: 340722/44
Fax: 216044
Representation of the Holy See (Vatican):
Apostolic Nuciature, Manyani Rd., Waiyaki Way P O Box 14326,
Nairobi Tel: 442975-7 Fax: 446789 nunciokenya@form-net.com
Hungary: A Magyar Koztarsaság
Nagykovetsege Ole Odume Road P.O. Box 61146, Nairobi Tel: 560060/560453
Fax: 560114
Iceland: Adalsrædismannsskrifdtofa
Íslands Ruaka Road, Runda P.O. Box 45000, Nairobi Tel:
521487 Fax: 521487
Indian High Commission: 2nd Floor
Jeevan Bharati Building, Harambee Avenue P.O. Box 30074, Nairobi
Tel: 225104/225180 Fax: 334167 E-Mail: hcindia@form-net.com
Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia:
3rd Floor Utalii House, Uhuru Highway P.O. Box 48868, Nairobi
Tel: 215848 Fax: 340721
Embassy of the Islamic Republic of
Iran: Dennis Pritt Road P.O. Box 49170, Nairobi Tel: 720343/720796
Fax: 339936
Embassy of Iraq: Loresho Road
P.O. Box 49213, Nairobi Tel: 580262/581073 Fax: 582880
Consulate of Ireland: 5th. Floor
Waumini House, Chiromo Road P.O. Box 30659, Nairobi Tel: 444367
Fax: 440897
Embassy of the State of Israel:
Bishops Road P O Box 30354, Nairobi Tel: 722182/3 Fax: 715966
Ambasciata d'Italia: 9th Floor
International House, Mama Ngina Street P.O. Box 30107, Nairobi
Tel: 337356/7 Fax: 337056 E-Mail: afra@form-net.com
Italian Cultural Centre: italypr@form-net.com
Embassy of Japan: 15th Floor ICEA
Building, Kenyatta Avenue P O Box 60202, Nairobi Tel: 332955
Fax: 332955
Embassy of the Republic of Korea:
Anniversary Towers, University Way P.O. Box 30455, Nairobi Tel:
333581 Fax: 332839 E-Mail: koremb@form-net.com
Embassy of Kuwait: Muthaiga Road,
House No. 38 P.O. Box 42353, Nairobi Tel: 761614 Fax: 762837
Lebanon: Consulat de Liban:
9th Floor Maendeleo House, Monrovia Street P.O. Box 30074, Nairobi
Tel: 223708/229981-3 Fax: 340944
Lesotho High Commission: 4th Floor
International House, Mama Ngina St. P.O. Box 44096, Nairobi
Tel: 224876/217785 Fax: 337493
Consulat Honoraire de Luxembourg:
8th Floor International House, Mama Ngina St. P.O. Box 30610,
Nairobi Tel: 224318 Fax: 229938
Consulat Honoraire de Madagascar:
1st Floor Hilton Hotel, Mama Ngina Street P O Box 41723, Nairobi
Tel: 226494/225286 Fax: None
Malawi High Commission: Mvuli/Church
Road, Westlands P.O. Box 30453, Nairobi Tel: 440569 Fax: 440568
Malaysian Government Trade Commission:
4th Floor Eagle House, Kimathi Street P.O. Box 45000, Nairobi
Tel: 229724/5 Fax: 521487
Consulate of Mauritius: Consulat
de l'Ile Maurice 1st Floor Union Towers, Moi Avenue P.O. Box
49326, Nairobi Tel: 330215 Fax: 221006
Embajada de la República de
México: Kibagare Way off Loresho Ridge P.O. Box 14145,
Nairobi Tel: 582850/582579 Fax: 581500 embmexke@form-net.com
Morocco: Ambassade du Royaume de Maroc:
3rd Floor Diamond Trust House, Moi Ave P.O. Box 61093, Nairobi
Tel: 222361/222364 Fax: 222364 E-mail : embassymorocco@form-net.com
Mozambique: Embaixada de Moçambique:
4th Floor Hughes Building, Kenyatta Avenue P.O. Box 66923, Nairobi
Tel: 221979 Fax: 222446
Ambassade van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden:
6th Floor Uchumi House, Nkrumah Avenue P O Box 41537, Nairobi
Tel: 227111-4 Fax: 339155 holland@form-net.com
Nigerian High Commission: Lenana
Road Hurlingham P.O. Box 30516, Nairobi Tel: 564116-8 Fax: 564117/562776
Norway: Kgl Norsk Ambassade:
8th Floor Rehani House, Kenyatta Avenue P.O. Box 46363, Nairobi
Tel: 337121 Fax: 216009
Pakistan High Commission: St.
Michael's Road WestlandsAvenue P.O. Box 30045, Nairobi Tel:
443911/2 Fax: 446507
Consulado de la República del
Peru: Lagutrop House, Enterprise Road P.O. Box 59446, Nairobi
Tel: 530156/7/8 Fax: 524114
Philippines: Pasuguan ng Pilipinas:
State House Road P.O. Box 47941, Nairobi Tel: 721791 Fax: 725897
Poland: Ambasada Rzeczypospolitej
Polskij: Nairobi Kabarnet Road,
Woodley P.O. Box 30086, Nairobi Tel: 566288/9 Fax: 727701 polambnairobi@form-net.com
Embaixada do Portugal: 10th Floor
Reinsurance Plaza, Aga Khan Walk P O Box 34020, Nairobi Tel:
338990/339853 Fax: 214711
Embassy of the Russian Federation:
Lenana Road P.O. Box 30049, Nairobi Tel: 722462/728700 Fax:
Embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia:
Muthaiga Road P O Box 58297, Nairobi Tel: 762781-4 Fax: None
Consulate of the Seychelles: 7th
Floor Agip House, Waiyaki Way P.O. Box 20400, Nairobi Tel: 440552
Fax: 441150
Embassy of Slovakia: Milimani
Road P.O. Box 30204, Nairobi Tel: 721896-8 Fax: 721898
South African High Commission:
Lonrho House, Standard Street P.O. Box 42441, Nairobi Tel: 215616/7/8
Fax: 223687
Spain: Embajada de España:
5th Floor Bruce House, Standard Street P.O. Box 45503, Nairobi
Tel: 335711/2 Fax: 332858
High Commission of Sri Lanka:
8th Floor International House, Mama Ngina St. P.O. Box 48145,
Nairobi Tel: 227577/227878 Fax: 225391
Embassy of the Republic of Sudan:
Minet-ICDC Building, Mamlaka Road P.O. Box 48784, Nairobi Tel:
720853/721704 Fax: 721015
High Commission of the Kingdom of
Swaziland: 3rd Floor Transnational Plaza, Mama Ngina St.
P.O. Box 41887, Nairobi Tel: 339231/222817 Fax: 330540
Sweden: Svenska Ambassad:
10th Floor International House, Mama Ngina St. P.O. Box 30060,
Nairobi Tel: 229042-5 Fax: 218908/220863
Ambassade de Suisse: Schweizer
Botschaft Ambasciata Suizzeva 7th Floor International House,
Mama Ngina St. P.O. Box 30752, Nairobi Tel: 228735/6 Fax: 217388
E-Mail: sdckenya@form-net.com
High Commission of the United Republic
of Tanzania: Continental House, Uhuru Highway P O Box 47790,
Nairobi Tel: 331056/7 Fax: 218269
Thai Royal Embassy: Ground Floor
Ambassadeur House, Rose Ave. P.O. Box 58349, Nairobi Tel: 715800
Fax: 715801 E-Mail: thainbi@form-net.com
Turkey: Turkiye Gigiri Road P.O.
Box 30785, Nairobi Tel: 520404 Fax: 521237
High Commission of the Republic of
Uganda: 5th Floor Uganda House, Kenyatta Ave. P.O. Box 60853,
Nairobi Tel: 330801/330814 Fax: 330970
UK: British High Commission: Bruce
House, Standard Street P.O. Box 48868, Nairobi Tel: 335944-60
Fax: 333196
Embassy of the United States of America:
Moi Avenue/Haile Selassie Avenue P.O. Box 30137, Nairobi Tel:
334141-50 Fax: 340838/340835
Embassy of the United States of America
in Nairobi, Kenya - Click
Here -
Embajada de la República de
Venezuela: International House, Mama Ngina Street P.O. Box
34477, Nairobi Tel: 340134/38 Fax: 337487 embavenez@form-net.com
Embassy of the Republic of Yemen
Ngong: / Kabarnet Road P.O. Box 44642, Nairobi Tel: 564379/564517
Fax: 564394
Ambassade de la République
du Zaïre: 12th Fl. Electricity House, Harambee Ave.
P.O. Box 48106, Nairobi Tel: 229771-2 Fax: None
High Commission of the Republic of
Zambia: Nyerere Road P.O. Box 48741, Nairobi Tel: 724850/724796
Fax: 718494
High Commission of the Republic of
Zimbabwe: 6th Fl. Minet-ICDC Building, Mamlaka Rd P.O. Box
30806, Nairobi Tel: 721071/45/49 Fax: 726503