Map Of Iraq
Country Maps
Iraq [Political Map] 1999 (323K)
Iraq [Political Map] 1996 (295K)
Iraq [Shaded Relief Map] 1999 (323K)
Iraq [Shaded Relief Map] 1996 (307K)
Iraq [Shaded Relief Map] From the
CIA Atlas of the Middle East, 1993 (580k)
Iraq [Shaded Relief Map] 1991 (377K)
Iraq (Small Map) 2000 (109K)
City Maps
Regional Maps
Al Basrah Region original
scale 1:670,000 From Iraq-Iran: Central and Southern Border
Areas CIA 1980 (400K)
Baghdad Region original scale
1:670,000 From Iraq-Iran: Central and Southern Border Areas
CIA 1980 (1136K)
Tactical Pilotage Charts
Al Basrah Region (tactical pilotage
chart) original scale 1:500,000 Portion of Defense Mapping
Agency TPC H-6B 1991 (833K) Not for navigational use
Al Mawsil [Mosul]-Arbil Region, Northern
Iraq (tactical pilotage chart) original scale 1:500,000
Portion of Defense Mapping Agency TPC G-4B 1989 (927K) Not
for navigational use
Baghdad Region (tactical pilotage
chart) original scale 1:500,000 Portion of Defense Mapping
Agency TPC G-4C 1991 (657K) Not for navigational use
Husaybah [Qusaybah] and Iraq/syria
Border (tactical pilotage chart) original scale 1:500,000
Portion of Defense Mapping Agency TPC G-4C 1991 (638K) Not
for navigational use
Iraq/jordan Border (operational navigation
chart) original scale 1:1,000,000 Portion of Defense
Mapping Agency ONC G-4 1990 (833K) Not for navigational use
Kirkuk-Arbil Region (tactical pilotage
chart) original scale 1:500,000 Portion of Defense Mapping
Agency TPC G-4C 1991 (676K) Not for navigational use
Northern Iraq (operational navigation
chart) original scale 1:1,000,000 Portion of Defense
Mapping Agency ONC G-4 1990 (1MB) Not for navigational use
Sulaymaniyah Region (tactical pilotage
chart) original scale 1:500,000 Portion of Defense Mapping
Agency TPC G-4C 1991 (721K) Not for navigational use
Western Kuwait and Neighboring Iraq
(tactical pilotage chart) original scale 1:500,000 Portion
of Defense Mapping Agency TPC H-6A 1991 (638K) Not for navigational
Thematic Maps
Iraq: Administrative Divisions
From the CIA Atlas of the Middle East, 1993 (69k)
Iraq: Area Comparison From
the CIA Atlas of the Middle East, 1993(38k)
Iraq: Country Information
From the CIA Atlas of the Middle East, 1993 (128k) Flag and
statistics, not a map
Iraq: Economic Activity From
the CIA Atlas of the Middle East, 1993 (115k)
Iraq: Former Marshes and Water Diversion
Projects in Southeastern Iraq From The Destruction of
Iraq's Southern Marshes, CIA Publication IA 94-10020 1994 (243K)
Iraq: Land Use From the CIA
Atlas of the Middle East, 1993 (111k)
Iraq: Population Density From
the CIA Atlas of the Middle East, 1993(99k)
Iraq: Time Line From the CIA
Atlas of the Middle East, 1993 (210k) Chart
Iraqi Missile Capabilities
From Conduct of the Persian Gulf War: Final Report to Congress,
U.S. Dept. of Defense, April 1992 (338K)
Kurdish Areas in the Middle East and
the Soviet Union 1986 (254K)
Kurdish Lands (location map)
1992 (235K)