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Websites related to Virtual Travel Links (Virtual Travel and Tours - Europe)

Virtual Travel and Tours - Europe

  • Euro VR - Virtual Reality. Quicktime VR Panoramas of Europe.

  • Europe - A VidBook Tour - Free multimedia-enriched Europe travel guides for vacation destinations, including Sweden, Paris, Greece, Europe by rail and Helsinki.

  • Europe Tour - This site is inspired by journeys to some of the most stunning places in Europe

  • Europe Video Tours - View our short, narrated, video tours of Europe.

  • Eurotrotter - Selection of over 3000 quality sites on travel in Europe, countries, regions, accommodation, transport, culture, history, practical etc.

  • Travel and Photo - Photo galleries of Poland, Italy.

  • VIRIS - Virtual Reality Information System - The portal for visualized geoinformation. Needs plugins and large screen.

  • Virtual visits to the Cities of Europe - Eleven cities are visited on this virtual reality tour of Europe. Using VR panorama's and 3D maps, Netgate also delivers travel tips and links.

  • Web Central - Virtual Europe - Virtual Europe: a huge links directory.

  • Alpha Sprachinstitut Austria - Learn German in Vienna! - Learn German and English in Vienna! Intensive German Courses, Cultural Programs, Accommodation. Following the system of the Goethe-Institute courses are of highest quality and prepare for internationally recognized certificates

  • Cycling round europe with two dogs - 2 people, 2 dogs, 2 bikes, one tent, one stove, one dream, no idea. Follow their 'progress' as they travel round Europe on a 12 month tour.

Other Links for Virtual Tours Category

Africa -- Asia - Canada -- Caribbean - Europe -- Middle East - Oceania -- South America - United States

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