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Other Links for Specialty Category

African American --Archaeology --Arts - Battlefields -- Business --Catholic - Childfree -- Christian --Cruises --Culinary Disabled -- Ecotourism --Educational -- Family - Festivals and Holidays - --Gaming Junkets - Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual -- Holistic - Holy Land -- Hospitality Clubs -- Jewish - Mystery -- Native American -- Nudism - Pets -- Pilgrimage -- Rail -- Science - Seniors -- Singles -- Smoke Free -- Spas - Sporting Events -- Students -- Supernatural - Theme Parks -- Volunteering - Weddings and Honeymoons -- Women

Websites related to Speciality Travel Links (Speciality Travel - Christianity )

Speciality Travel - Christianity

  • American Christian Travel Society - Travel arrangements for seniors, youth and mission groups to sites in rural America and around the world.

  • Barnabas Trust - Runs five Christian holiday centres in the U.K.: Kent, Sussex, Northants, and Scotland. Beautiful residential settings.

  • Christian Traveler - Guide to family-friendly and spiritually renewing travel destinations.

  • Confraternity of St James - A registered charity in the U.K. which promotes the pilgrim routes to Santiago de Compostela. About the pilgrimage and the group, a nondenominational association of pilgrims and others interested in Spanish culture.

  • Connie George Travel Associates - Vacation consultants handling arrangements for individuals and groups. Specializing in cruises, travel for people with disabilities and Christian Pilgrimages.

  • Fellowship Travel International - Full-service travel provider, specializing in mission and church travel and tours.

  • fisher-of-man.com - Hunting/fishing, camping, hiking, adventure travel for Christians. Directory.

  • Hosanna Hotel - In Trinidad. Clean, serene, no-smoking environment. E-mail/phone contact info only.

  • 2000 Jubilee Holy Land - Jesus2000.com - A virtual pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Visit Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Nazareth, Sea of Galilee and other holy sites.

Other Links for Specialty Category

African American --Archaeology --Arts - Battlefields -- Business --Catholic - Childfree -- Christian --Cruises --Culinary Disabled -- Ecotourism --Educational -- Family - Festivals and Holidays - --Gaming Junkets - Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual -- Holistic - Holy Land -- Hospitality Clubs -- Jewish - Mystery -- Native American -- Nudism - Pets -- Pilgrimage -- Rail -- Science - Seniors -- Singles -- Smoke Free -- Spas - Sporting Events -- Students -- Supernatural - Theme Parks -- Volunteering - Weddings and Honeymoons -- Women

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