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Websites related to Outdoor Travel Links (Outdoor Climbing )

Outdoor - Climbing - Indoors

  • Cave Nick - Description of building "Cave Nick" along with photos of it being used.

  • The Climbing Wall Resource - Instructions for building a home gym and for making your own holds from wood, bondo, resin or plastic. A database of home gyms. Advice on routesetting, campus training, system training, and HIT training.

  • ClimbingMedia - Articles by Neil Gresham on designing a home wall and training using a fingerboard or other foot-off board.

  • ClimbUK Climbing Walls - Why and how to build a home gym. Includes advice on sourcing materials.

  • Concrete Climbing Holds by Sam Shank - How to make holds out of concrete.

  • Cranc - How to make molds for plastic holds. An online hold co-op: buy, sell, or trade your holds with other home gym owners.

  • Delta Echo - Home Gym - Plans for building a 8' x 10' home gym with a variable angle.

  • Home Gyms FAQ - Answers to freqently asked question about home gyms compiled from rec.climbing.

  • The Indoor Climber's Resource - How to build a climbing wall, including a budget worksheet. How to make holds from plastic, wood, stone or ceramic.

  • Indoor Climbing - Topics for climbing training ranging from exercise to nutrition. Home Wall information. A list of gyms in North America. The Cyber Climber climbing game.

  • Indoor Climbing Awards Scheme - About the UK-based Indoor Climbing Awards Scheme. There are two ways of doing ICAS awards: an individual at a climbing wall which offers its customers the ICAS service or through a climbing course provider who offers ICAS awards to climbing course clients.

  • Linseth climbing wall at Cornell - Contains the email address of someone injured at the Linseth wall, looking for others with similar experiences.

  • Metolius Climbing How To's - How to: Build A Climbing Wall, Use & Install Campus Boards, Use A Fingerboard, Install Inset Holds, Install A Climbing Simulator, Use A Climbing Simulator. Pages on training routines.

  • ORCA's Climbing Wall Industry Group - The group's specifications for building walls. A guide to building a wall. A journalist's guide to climbing. Information for consumers on ropes, harnesses, and carabiners.

  • Rock & Ice Online - Indoor Wall Q&A - Ask Rock & Ice questions relating to indoor walls and backyard ice walls.

  • rockcomps - Home of the American Bouldering Series. Competition results. Schedules. Photos.

  • Southern Indoor Bouldering League - UK-based competitive bouldering league. Schedule of competitions. News and results.

  • Stone Age Climbing - Plans for building a home gym. Guides to hangboard training and system training. Also sells texture paint.

  • Urban Rock FIBO '99 bouldering competition - Information on entering, history and results for the UK-based FIBO bouldering competition.

Indoor - Portable Walls

  • Adventure Climbing - Wall for rent. 24 feet high. Four climbers at a time. Equipment provided. (Maine, US)

  • American Rock Climbing - Walls for sale. 24 feet high. 3 or 4 climbing faces. (Florida)

  • Cliffhangers - Wall for rent. 16' x 16' x 24' high. 4 sides. Auto-belay system. (location unkown)

  • The Climbing Experience - Wall for rent. 24' high. (location unkown)

  • Climb-On Mobile Climbing Entertainment - Wall for rent. 7' x 20' high. Photos from events. (San Francisco Bay area, California)

  • EverClimb USA - Wall for rent. 3 climbers at a time. Auto-belay system. (Tampa, Florida)

  • Extra Vertical - Walls for rent. 12' x 28' x 20' high. Equipment provided. (New York City, NY)

  • Freestyle Rock Climbing - Wall for rent. 15' X 15' by 25' high. 3 climbers at a time. Equipment provided. (Arizona, California, Nevada, New Mexico, and Texas, US)

  • Hang Tough - Treadwall for rent. 2 climbers at a time. (Mid-west US)

  • Higher Altitude - Walls for sale or rent. 20' x 40' x 24' high. 3 climbers at a time. (Nationwide, US)

  • Quantum Rock - Wall for rent. 24' high (California, Arizona, and Nevada. US)

  • Rock On The Run - Wall for rent. (location unknown)

  • Rock Rental - Auto-belay system. Will provide wall for free with charge to climbers. (San Diego, California)

  • Team Synergy - Wall for rent. 20' x 20' x 23' high. 4 climbers at a time. Auto-belay system. Equipment provided. (Houston, Texas)

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