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Italy Embassies

On This Page:  Embassies & Consulates Listed Alphabetically By Country Q - Z
Qatar through Zimbabwe

  • QATAR Embassy of Italy - Doha Ali Bin Abi Talib Street n.41 P.O.Box 4188 Tel. (00974) 436842/3/4 Telefax 446466
    Telex 0497 5133 ITALDI

  • ROMANIA Embassy of Italy - Bucarest Strada Henri Coanda, 7-9 Tel. (00401) 3113465/70 e 6507090 Telefax 3124269 - 2229278
    Telex 065 11602 ITALDI R
    National Institute for Foreign Trade in Bucharest, Romania   - Click Here - Istituto Nazionale per il Commercio Estero a Bucarest, Romania

  • RUSSIAN FEDERATION Embassy of Italy - Mosca Uliza Vesnina ,5 121002 Mosca G-2 Tel. (007095) 2411533/4/5/6 Telefax 2539289 Telex 064 413453 ITADI SU
    National Institute for Foreign Trade in Moscow, Russian Federation  -  Click Here - Istituto Nazionale per il Commercio Estero a Mosca, Federazione Russa

  • SAN MARINO Embassy of Italy - San Marino Via Del Voltone, 55 San Marino Citta Tel. (0039549) 991146 - 991271 Telefax 992229
    Telex 505889 ITAMSM

  • SAUDI ARABIA  Embassy of Italy - Riad Diplomatic Quarter - P.O.Box 94389 11693 Riyadh Tel. (009661) 4881212 Fax 4881951
    Telex 00495406188 ITDIZA SJ

  • SENEGALEmbassy of Italy - Dakar Rue Alpha Achamiyou Tall Tel. (00221) 220578 - 220076 - 216572 Telefax 222291
    Telex 00906 51641 AMBITAL SG

  • SINGAPOREEmbassy of Italy - Singapore 101, Thomson Road Int.27-02 United Square Singapore 1130 Tel. (0065) 2506022 Telefax 2533301 Telex 0087 212177 ITALDIPL RS

  • SYRIAEmbassy of Italy - Damasco Avenue Al Mansour, 82 Tel. (0096311) 3338338 - 3332621 Telefax 3320325 Telex 043 411180 ITALDIPL SY E-mail: ambsiria@inco.com.lb

  • SLOVAK REPUBLIC Embassy of Italy - Bratislava Cerenova, 19 - 81103 Bratislava Tel. (004217) 5312585/ 5313043/ 5313195 Telefax 5313202 Tel. e Fax Uff. Comm. 5313005 Telex 066 92770 ITALC C

  • SLOVENIAEmbassy of Italy - Lubiana Snezniska Ulica, 8 - 61000 Ljubljana Tel. (0038661) 1262194 e 1262320 Telefax 1253302
    Telex 062 39143 ITALBU YU
    Italian Embassy in Ljubljana, Slovenia - Click Here

    National Institute for Foreign Trade in Ljubljana, Slovenia  - Click Here - Istituto Nazionale per il Commercio Estero a Lubiana, Slovenia

  • SOUTH AFRICA  Embassy of Italy - Pretoria (RESIDENZA LUGLIO/DICEMBRE) 796, George Avenue, Arcadia Tel. (002712) 435541/2/3/4/ Telefax 435547 Telex 0095 321397 SA Embassy of Italy - Cape Town (RESIDENZA GENNAIO/GIUGNO) 2, Grey's Pass, Gardens Tel. (002721) 235157/8 Telefax 240146 Telex 0095 527528
    National Institute for Foreign Trade in Johannesburg, South Africa - Click Here - Istituto Nazionale per il Commercio Estero a Johannesburg, Sud Africa -  Mirror Site - Mirror Site -

    Embassy of Italy - Madrid - Click Here - [Ambasciata d'Italia a Madrid, Spagna] - Calle Lagasca, 98 28006 Madrid
    Tel. (00341) 5776529
    Telefax 5757776 Telex 052 22414 DIPITE
    Consulate General of Italy in Barcelona, Spain  - Click Here  - Consolato Generale d'Italia a Barcellona, Spagna
    Italian Cultural Institute to Spain - Click Here - Istituto Italiano di Cultura

  • SRI LANKA  Embassy of Italy - Colombo 55, Jawatta Road Colombo 5 Tel. (009434) 588388 - 588905 -508418 Telefax 588622 Telex 00803 21499 ITALDI CE

  • SUDANEmbassy of Italy - Khartoum Street 39 Khartoum 2 Tel. (0024911) 451614/5/6/7 Telefax 47217 Telex 00984 24034 ITDPL SD

  • SWEDENEmbassy of Italy - Stoccolma Oakhill Djurgarden - 11521 Stoccolma Tel. (00468) 245805 Telefax 6600505 Telex 054 10453 ITALDI S
    National Institute for Foreign Trade in Stockholm, Sweden - Click Here  - Istituto Nazionale per il Commercio Estero a Stoccolma, Svezia

  • SWITZERLANDEmbassy of Italy - Berna Elfenstrasse, 14 3006 Berna Tel. (004131) 3811911/2/3/4/5 Telefax 3511026
    Telex 045 912615 ITDI CH

    Embassy of Italy in Switzerland - Click Here -
    Consulate General of Italy to Zurich - Click Here - Consolato Generale d'Italia a Zurigo, Svizzera

  • TANZANIAEmbassy of Italy - Dar es Salaam Upanga n.316 Lugalo Road P.O.Box 2106 Tel. (0025551) 115935/6 Telefax 115938
    Telex 00989 41062 ITALDIPL

  • THAILANDIA - THAILAND Embassy of Italy - Bangkok 399, Nang Linchee Road Thung Mahamek Bangkok 10120 Tel. (00662) 2854090 Telefax 2854793 Telex 0086 82523 ITALDPL TH
    National Institute for Foreign Trade in Bangkok, Thailand  - Click Here -  Istituto Nazionale per il Commercio Estero a Bangkok, Thailandia

  • TUNISIAEmbassy of Italy - Tunis 3, Rue de Russie 1002 Tunisi Tel. (002161) 341811 Telefax 354155 Telex 0409 13501 ITALDI TN

    Embassy of Italy - Ankara  - Click Here - [Ambasciata d'Italia ad Ankara, Turchia] Ataturk Bulvari, 118 Tel. (0090312) 4265460/1/2/3 Telefax 4265800 Telex 00607 42624 ITAL TR E-mail: itaamb@superonline.com
    Consulate General of Italy in Istanbul, Turkey  - Click Here  - Consolato Generale d'Italia ad Istanbul, Turchia
    Italian Cultural Insititute to Turkey  - Click Here -  Istituto Italiano di Cultura

  • UKRAINE Embassy d' Italia - KievUkitza Sichnevohoi Povstaniya, 25 252021 Kiev Tel. (0038044) 2944294 - 2944243 Telefax 2905162 Telex 064 131462 ITDKI SU

  • UGANDAEmbassy d' Italia - Kampala 11, Lourdel Road - Nakasero Tel. (0025641) 250450 / 256416 Telefax 250448
    Telex 00988 61261 ITALDIPL

  • UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Embassy of Italy - Abu Dhabi Al Nahayan Street, Corner Dalma Street Plot 350 W -14-02 Batine Tel. (009712) 435622/436083 Telefax 434337 Telex 00893 23861 ITALDI EM

    Embassy of Italy in London, Great Britain and Northern Ireland  -Click Here - Ambasciata d'Italia a Londra, Gran Bretagna e Irlanda del Nord]14 Three Kings Yard London W1 Tel. (004171) 3122200 Fax 3122230 Telex 051/23520 ITADP G
    Office of the Scientific Attaché  -  Click Here - Ufficio dell'Addetto Scientifico
    Italian Cultural Institute  - Click Here - Istituto Italiano di Cultura

    Embassy of Italy - Washington D.C. - Click Here - [Ambasciata d'Italia a Washington, Stati Uniti d'Amèrica]  - 1601, Fuller Str. N.W Washington D.C, 20009 Tel. (001202) 3285500/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/ Telefax 3285593/4623605 Telex 0023 64122 ITALDI WSH
    Office of the Scientific Attaché (Washington DC)Click Here - Ufficio dell'Addetto Scientifico
    Italian Cultural Institute (Washington DC) - Click Here - Istituto Italiano di Cultura
    Consulate General of Italy in Chicago - Click Here  - Consolato Generale d'Italia a Chicago, Stati Uniti d'Amèrica
    Consulate General of Italy in Los Angeles  - Click Here  -  Consolato Generale d'Italia a Los Angeles, Stati Uniti d'Amèrica
    Consulate General of Italy in New York  -  Click Here - Consolato Generale d'Italia a New York, Stati Uniti d'Amèrica
    Consulate General of Italy in San Francisco  - Click Here - Consolato Generale d'Italia a San Francisco, Stati Uniti d'Amèrica
    Office of the Scientific Attaché (San Francisco) - Click Here - Ufficio dell'Addetto Scientifico
    Italian Cultural Institute (San Francisco) - Click Here - Istituto Italiano di Cultura
    National Institute for Foreign Trade in New YorkClick Here - Ist
    ituto Nazionale per il Commercio Estero a New York, Stati Uniti d'Amèrica

    Permanent Mission of Italy to the United Nations in Geneva  -Click Here - Rappresentanza Permanente d'Italia presso le Nazioni Unite a Ginevra
    Permanent Mission of Italy to the United Nations in New York  - Click Here - Rappresentanza Permanente d'Italia presso le Nazioni Unite a New York 

    Embassy of Italy - Montevideo  - Click Here - [Ambasciata d'Italia a Montevideo, Uruguay]  Calle Jose Benito Lamas, 2857
    Tel. (005982) 785316 / 780542 / 787152 Telefax 784148 Telex 0032 22077 ITALDIPL UY E-mail: uffcomit@netgate.com.uy

  • UZBEKISTAN Embassy of Italy Tashkent Uliza Amir Timur, 95 Tel. (0073712) 346649 Telefax 406606 Telex 064 116205 DANTE RU

  • VENEZUELA Embassy of Italy - Caracas Edificio Atrium -P.H. Calle Sorocaima entre Avenidas Tamanaco y Venezuela El Rosas - Caracas - ZP 1060 Tel (00582) 9527311/ Telefax 9524960 Telex 0031 29985 ITALDIL VC E-mail: ambcara@true.net
    Consulate of Italy in Maracaibo, Venezuela  -  Click Here - Consolato d'Italia a Maracaibo, Venezuela

  • VIETNAM Embassy of Italy - Hanoi 9, Le Phung Hieu Tel. (00844) 8256246 Telefax 8267602 Telex 00805 411416 IQIM VT
    E-mail: embitaly@netnam.org.vn

  • YEMEN Embassy of Italy - Sana'a Via Safiah Janubia Sana'a Tel. (009671) 265616 e 269165 Fax 266137 Telex 0895 2560 ITAMB YE

  • ZAIRE Embassy of Italy - Kinshasa Avenue de la Mongala,8 B.P. 1000 Kinshasa I/Gombe Tel. (00243) 21018 e 21108 - Satellitare 00871-1150734Telex 00982 21650 AMBITAZ ZR

  • ZAMBIA Embassy of Italy - Lusaka Diplomatic Triangle Embassy Park Plot 5211 Tel. (002601) 250781/3 Telefax 254929 Telex 00902 43380 ITALDI ZA E-mail: italyzam@zamnet.zm

  • ZIMBABWE Embassy of Italy - Harare 7, Bartholomew Close - Greendale Tel. (002634) 497200/ 497373 /498190 Telefax 498199 Telex 00907 24380 ITADPL ZW





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