Festivals & Events
Art Exhibition
Brussels, 17th September 1999 - 17th January 2000
The exhibition in Brussels of "Albert and Isabelle, a European court",
showing the significance of this court, through a selection of works
of art, during the 16th and 17th centuries as the center of Europe.
Belgian Carnival
Binche, 21st -23rd February 2000
A famous carnival among the Belgian and especially, most beautiful
carnival at Binche.
Festival International De Jazz De Montreal
June 29 - July 09, 2000
The jazz festival has been publicly declared that it is the world's
best. Every year, musicians from more than twenty countries perform
at the Festival, which has become the gateway not only for European
jazz players seeking to make inroads on the North American scene
but for Cuban, African and South American musicians as well.
Heritage Day
Belgium, 12th-13th September 2000
Many places of historic importance open their doors to the public
on this day throughout the country.