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Travel & Tourism . Tourist Guide to the Country

Pakistan Cities

  • Pakistan Travel Web   - Travel Resource for Pakistan. Covers events, archaeological sites, cities and also the mountains and valleys.

  • Abbottabad: The Valley Of Peace - Information, history and pictures.

  • Amazing Tour of Swat - A valley that is one of the most beautiful on Earth.

  • Anjum's Quetta Pakistan - Some links and information about Quetta, Pakistan.

  • Asiatour guide to Pakistan - Information about Pakistani cities, their histories and attractions.

  • At the top of the world in Pakistan - A virtual tour at the top of the world in Pakistan. Pictures and descriptions of Skardu, Gilgit, the Karakoram Highway, the Baltoro Glacier and the Khunjerab National Park by Florence Smith.

  • Beauty of Pakistan - Short description of all the places of Pakistan with travel guide, maps of these areas, and pictures.

  • Cyber Tour of Pakistan - Pictures and information of prominent places, by Zahoor Iqbal Khan.

  • Danny Yee visits Northern Pakistan - Long write up about a trip to Northern Pakistan (Peshawar, Chitral, Upper Yarkhun, Gilgit, Kashgar in China, Hunza and Islamabad) in 1999 by a group of geologists. Many excellent photographs.

  • Destination Pakistan - Guide to Pakistan from Lonely Planet.

  • Pakistan travel guide - Hotels, travel and tourism. Site has a review of all the major tourist destinations in Pakistan as well as a short history of the country.


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