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Travel & Tourism . Tourist Guide to the Country

Malaysia Cities

  • About Malaysia - Simple site offering general information on Malaysia. Prepared by Lam Chee Loong.

  • Ady's Malaysian Links - Contains links to other sites categorized by industry.

  • Agrotourism - A listing of Agrotourism venues and projects in Malaysia. A site by the Malaysian Ministry of Agriculture

  • Asia Versatile Menu - Vacation destinations, special discount packages or seasonal specials with hotels, restaurants and a list of products shopping indices. Online reservation and purchases.

  • A backpacking travel guide to Malaysia - A practical travel guide that offers precise backpacking information about Malaysia : budget accommodation, itineraries, visa, tips, surveys and photos. 20 places covered.

  • Borneo Adventure - Promotes ecotourism through tours and community projects. Includes destination information, tour descriptions, photo gallery, upcoming events and contact information.

  • Cuti - Promotes Malaysian tourism to the world.Includes travel guide to places of interest, and online reservation services.

  • Debin.org - Malaysia - Some photos of landmarks.

  • Destination Malaysia - Lonely Planet Guide

  • Discover Borneo - Provides brief overview of Borneo, tour packages and promotions.

  • Emas Holiday - Provides Malaysian tourism calendar of events, information on travel destinations, and places of interests for business, pleasure, vacation or relaxation.

  • A Guide To Unforgetful Holidays - Contains travel guide which includes shopping destination, and entertainment.

  • ITIS Malaysia - Detailed travel guide for Malaysia for independent travelers including budget accommodation and transport information.

  • KnowMalaysia.com - General information on the country as a whole.

  • Malaysia - An official guide to Malaysia provided by the Malaysian National Tourism Office in New York City.

  • Malaysia by Night - The guide to nightlife and entertainment in Malaysia.

  • Malaysia Consular Information Sheet - Information of interest to visitors to Malaysia. Issued by the US State Department

  • Malaysia In Brief - Provides articles, information and tips for locals and travellers.

  • 101 Malaysia Tips - Offers insights into Malaysian culture with details on everything from cuisine and games to religion and dress codes all in a book for sale.

  • Malaysia Travel - Tourism links for Malaysia.

  • Malaysia Travel Experiences - Pictorial guide to Malaysia from Melaka to Perhentian via Singapore.

  • Malaysia Travel FAQ - Malaysia overview including etiquette, customs, travel suggestions and frequently used Malaysian phrases.

  • Marimari.com - Travel portal with recommendations, hotels plus resorts and general tips and information.

  • Myxcess - Focused at the asian teen market. Information on travel, tourism, shopping, dining out, activities, classifieds, and magazines.

  • Perhentian Island - Photos, information, map, of this beautiful island off the east coast of Malaysia.

  • Resident Tourist's Guide - Introduction, tips and ways to get here from all over the world with details on airlines schedule and promotions.

  • Tourism Information - Includes nationwide contacts, places of interest and a category search.

  • Tourism Malaysia - Tourism Malaysia in Los Angeles is Malaysia's Official National Tourist Office branch in operation since 1974.

  • Travel.com.my - Portal providing information on tour packages discounts, flights, hotel bookings and general information.

  • U.S. Department of State - Background notes on Malaysia as of July, 1997.

  • Visit Borneo.com - Information about wild life and nature, jungle, beaches, interesting tours, culture, events on Sabah and Sarawak.

  • Wildborneo - Local destinations reviews, tips and guides, accommodation listings and promotions.

  • Worldtwitch Malaysia - Directory of birding tours, ecolodges, natural history organizations, natural history websites, parks and reserves.


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