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Uganda Cuisine and Food

Local Cuisine

Oluwombo is a delicious Kiganda dish introduced during the reign of Kabaka Mwanga in 1887 by his chief cook, Kawunta. It is an important dish among the Baganda, and used to be served to important state visi tors to the Kabaka and otherBaganda Chiefs.
It canbe made from chicken, goat, pork beef or even groundnuts mixed with mushrooms.

This dish is one of the oldest dishes in the world. Legend says that matoke was brought to earth by Kintu, the first man on earth. It is popular in many parts of Uganda and is grown in almost every homestead in Buganda. To grow Matoke Trees, you must uproot young stems from a mature tree and plant them.
It takes about a year to develop into a fully grown tree ready for harvesting. When the Matoke Fruit is ready, the leaves are also cut off and kept for cooking, together with the fibres which tie the leaves. The stalks are also put in the sauce pan, together with the leaves to ease the steaming process. The stem of the tree is left to help re-fertilisation and mulching.


Acknowledgements: ASIATRAVELMART.COM

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