South Africa is located to the West ,South ,and East,borders of
the South Atlantic and southern Indian Oceans. Its coastline is
swept by the cold ,north flowing ‘Benguela’ and the warm south flowing
‘Agulhas’ systems respectively.
The country is dry, with an average annually rainfall of only 464
mm. Temperatures above 32ºC are fairly common in summer. April and
May are usually the most pleasant months.
South Africa‘s climate covers a wide spectrum of different weather
zones, the Western Cape has a Mediterranean climate with warm, dry
summers and cold, wet winters, while the temperate northern areas
have hot summer days ending in spectacular evening thunderstorms
and frosty ,clear, dry winters.
The coastal areas of KwaZulu–Natal are sub–tropical which means
year–round beach weather with very high humidity in summer and ‘balmy
winter’ conditions.Midsummer in December, South Africa is a welcome
winter gateaway for visitors from the Nothern Hemisphere. The South
African sun is strong,with a high ultravoilet rating, so screening
products with SPF of 15 and over are highly recommended.