Asia Minor - Ancient
From a Classical Atlas of Ancient Geography by Alexander G.
Findlay, 1849.
Asia Minor under the
Greeks and Romans (360K)
From The Historical Atlas by William R. Shepherd, 1923.
Aleppo [Alep] 1912
From Palestine and Syria...Handbook for Travellers by Karl Baedeker,
5th Edition, 1912.
Antioch 1912
From Palestine and Syria...Handbook for Travellers by Karl Baedeker,
5th Edition, 1912.
Beirut [Beyrout] 1912
From Palestine and Syria...Handbook for Travellers by Karl Baedeker,
5th Edition, 1912.
Beirut Environs 1912
From Palestine and Syria...Handbook for Travellers by Karl Baedeker,
5th Edition, 1912.
Bethlehem [Bethleem/beit
Lahm] 1912 (392K)
From Palestine and Syria...Handbook for Travellers by Karl Baedeker,
5th Edition, 1912.
Damascus [Damas] Central
1912 (374K)
From Palestine and Syria...Handbook for Travellers by Karl Baedeker,
5th Edition, 1912.
Distibution of Races
in the Balkan Peninsula and Asia Minor (387K)
From The Historical Atlas by William R. Shepherd, 1923.
The Eighth Progressive
Map.-Arabic Acendency (387K)
"The Eighth Progressive Map.-Arabic Acendency; showing
(a,) The Arabic Empire in its greatest extent.
(b,) The world at the beginning of the eighth century (Christianity
on the point of being crushed by the Moslems.).
(c,) The four Christian empires (Byzantine, Longobardian, Merovingian,
and Anglo-Saxon.) .
" From "An Historical Atlas Containing a Chronological Series
of One Hundred and Four Maps, at Successive Periods, from the
Dawn of History to the Present Day." by Robert H. Labberton.
Sixth Edition. 1884.
Hebron [El-Khalil]
1912 (319K)
From Palestine and Syria. Handbook for Travellers by Karl Baedeker,
5th Edition, 1912.
Jaffa Environs 1912
From Palestine and Syria. Handbook for Travellers by Karl Baedeker,
5th Edition, 1912.
Jerusalem - Ancient
From Palestine and Syria. Handbook for Travellers by Karl Baedeker,
5th Edition, 1912.
Map of Jerusalem
From Hardesty's Historical and Geographical Encyclopedia Illustrated,
H.H. Hardesty & Company, 1884.
Jerusalem 1912
From Palestine and Syria. Handbook for Travellers by Karl Baedeker,
5th Edition, 1912.
Mt. Carmel - Northern
Part 1912 (309K)
From Palestine and Syria. Handbook for Travellers by Karl Baedeker,
5th Edition, 1912.
Mt. Sinai - Environs
of the Monastery 1912 (521K)
From Palestine and Syria. Handbook for Travellers by Karl Baedeker,
5th Edition, 1912.
Nazareth [En-Nasira]
1912 (351K)
From Palestine and Syria. Handbook for Travellers by Karl Baedeker,
5th Edition, 1912.
Ottoman Empire, 1481-1683
From The Historical Atlas by William R. Shepherd, 1923.
The Ottoman Empire,
[1683-1923] (649K)
From The Historical Atlas by William R. Shepherd, 1923.
Ottoman Empire since
1683 (387K)
Insets: Southwestern Crimea, 1854. Plan of Sevastopol, 1854-1855.
From The Historical Atlas by William R. Shepherd, 1923.
[Palestine] Palaestina
From "A Classical Atlas, to Illustrate Ancient Geography; Comprised
in Twenty-Five maps, Showing the Various Divisions of the World
as Known to the Ancients; Composed from the Most Authentic Sources."
by Alexander G. Findlay, F.R.G.S. 1849.
Persian Empire about
500 B.C. (134K)
From The Historical Atlas by William R. Shepherd, 1923.
Persia and Afghanistan
1856 (1.4MB)
"Map to Illustrate the Travels of General Ferrier in Persia
and Afghanistan" from Caravan Journeys and Wanderings in Persia,
Afghanistan, Turkistan, and Beloochistan; with Historical Notices
of the Countries Lying Between Russia and India by Joseph Pierre
Ferrier. Second Edition 1857.
Petra 1912
From Palestine and Syria. Handbook for Travellers by Karl Baedeker,
5th Edition, 1912.
Red Sea 1860
"Das Rothe Meer und die Wichtigsten Hafen Seiner Westhalfte"
[Includes plans of Rothen Meere Politischen u. Commerciellen,
Scherm Schaab, Sauakin (Sudan), Bucht von Aqiq und Insel Eiro
(Sudan) , Massaua (Massawa, Eritrea) , Bai von Adulis (Eritrea)
, Nokeri od. Nechesia, Insel Majun od. Perim, Alt und Neu Qosseir,
Mocha od. Moka (Yemen)]. From Mittheilungen aus Justus Perthes'
Geographischer Anstalt uber Wichtige Neue Erforschungen auf
dem Gesammtgebiete der Geographie von Dr. A. Petermann. Volume
6, 1860.
Saida (Sidon) Environs
1912 (290K)
From Palestine and Syria. Handbook for Travellers by Karl Baedeker,
5th Edition, 1912.
Socotra 1886
"Island of Socotra" from the Scottish Geographical
Magazine. Published by the Scottish Geographical Society and
edited by Hugh A. Webster and Arthur Silva White. Volume II,
Somali Coast and Aden
Gulf 1860 (1M)
"Karte der Somali-Kuste und des Golf's von Aden" From
Mittheilungen aus Justus Perthes' Geographischer Anstalt uber
Wichtige Neue Erforschungen auf dem Gesammtgebiete der Geographie
von Dr. A. Petermann. Volume 6, 1860.
Suez Bay, Egypt 1856
"Karte der Bai von Sues" From Mittheilungen aus Justus
Perthes' Geographischer Anstalt uber Wichtige Neue Erforschungen
auf dem Gesammtgebiete der Geographie von Dr. A. Petermann.
Volume 7, 1861.
Turkomania 1887
"Map of South Western Turkomania" from the Scottish
Geographical Magazine. Published by the Scottish Geographical
Society and edited by Arthur Silva White. Volume III, 1887.
Tyre [Sur] Environs
1912 (240K)
From Palestine and Syria. Handbook for Travellers by Karl Baedeker,
5th Edition, 1912.