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Oceans, Continents, and Polar Regions Political Geography

Browse through the encyclopedia resource and access complete information on Antarctica, Arctic, and Oceans & Continents

Here we have covered the polar regions i.e the Antarctica and the Artic along with the majestic Atlantic Ocean -- French Southern Atlantic Lands -- Indian Ocean -- Pacific Ocean -- Southern Ocean and general facts about the World.

South Pole:

Antarctica, the least known continent, is an island continent, almost completely covered by ice. For many, Antarctica is a mystery, many being so amazed by its sheer size and the fact that land can exists below as great as 4.5km of ice.

North Pole :

North pole is mostly covered by the Arctic Region. Lands bordering this region include those of Alaska, Canada, Greenland , Denmark, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russia.

  Artic Ocean
  Atlantic Ocean
  French Southern Atlantic Lands
  Indian Ocean
  Pacific Ocean
  Southern Ocean

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