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Italy Embassies

On This Page:  Embassies & Consulates Listed Alphabetically By Country G - K (Gabon thru Kuwait)

    Embassy of Italy - Libreville Immeuble Personnaz & Cardin Tel. (00241) 742892/3 Fax 748035 Telex 009735287 ITALDIP GO

    Embassy of Italy in Bonn, Germany - Click Here - [Ambasciata d'Italia a Bonn, Germania]  Karl Finkelnburgstasse,49/51 53173 Bonn Tel. (0049228) 8220 Fax 822210 Telex 041885450 A BONN D E-mail: italia.ambasciata.bonn@t-online.de
    Consulate General of Italy in Berlin, Germany  - Click Here  -  Consolato Generale d'Italia a Berlino, Germania
    Consulate General of Italy in Cologne, Germany  - Click Here  - Consolato Generale d'Italia a Colonia, Germania
    Consulate General of Italy in Stuttgart, Germany  - Click Here  - Consolato Generale d'Italia a Stoccarda, Germania
    Consular Agency of Italy in Wolfsburg, Germany  - Click Here  - Agenzia Consolare d'Italia a Wolfsburg, Germania
    National Institute for Foreign Trade in Dusseldorf, German  -  Click Here - Istituto Nazionale per il Commercio Estero a Dusseldorf, Germania
    National Institute for Foreign Trade in Leipsic, Germany  - Click Here  - Istituto Nazionale per il Commercio Estero a Lipsia, Germania

  • GHANAEmbassy of Italy - Accra Jawaharal Nehru Road Tel.(0023321) 775621 Fax 777056 Telex 094 2039 ITADIP GH

    Embassy of Italy in Athens, Greece- Click Here  - [Ambasciata d'Italia ad Atene, Grecia] - AteneOdos Sekeri, 2 10674 Atene Tel. (00301) 3617260/3 e 3617273/4/5 Fax 3617330 Telex 0601210575 ITDI GR E-mail: ambaten@hol.gr
    Consulate General of Italy in Thessaloniki, Greece  - Click Here  - Consolato Generale d'Italia a Salonicco, Grecia
    Italian Cultural Institute  - Click Here - Istituto Italiano di Cultura

  • GUATEMALAEmbassy of Italy - Guatemala 5 Avenida 8-59 Zona 14 Tel. (00502) 3374557 Fax 33707795
    Telex 003725129 ITALDIPL GU

  • GUINEAEmbassy of Italy - Conakry Quartier Camayenne Conakry Tel. (00224) 463589 e 462915 Fax 463587
    Telex 099522436 ITADI GE

  • HOLY SEE Embassy of Italy - Citta del Vaticano V.le delle Belle Arti, 2 00196 Roma Tel. (00396) 3200741/2/3 Telefax 3201801

  • HONDURASEmbassy of Italy - Tegucigalpa Calle Principal de la Colonia Reforma, casa n. 2602 Tel. (00504) 366810, 366391, 368077
    Fax 365659 Telex 00374 1332 ITALDI HO

    Consulate General of Italy in Hong Kong  - Click Here  - Consolato Generale d'Italia a Hong Kong

  • HUNGARYEmbassy of Italy - Budapest Stefania Ut 95 1143 Budapest Tel. (00361) 3436065 Telefax 3436058 Telex 061 225294 ITABPH

  • INDIAEmbassy of Italy - New Delhi 50 Chandra Gupta Marg Chakanakyaputra N.D. 110021 Tel. (009111) 6114355 Fax 6873889 Telex 008131 82089 ITAL IN
    Embassy of Italy in Newdelhi, India - Click Here - The web site of the Italian Embassy to India provides visa information, statistical data, description of the Indo-Italian development and scientific cooperation programmes, economic and commercial data and addresses, tourist information on both India and Nepal, links to italian and indian newspapers.

  • INDONESIAEmbassy of Italy - Jakarta Jalan Diponegoro,45 10310 Jakarta Tel.(006221) 337445 e 323490 Fax 337422 Telex 0073 61546 ITADPL IA E-mail: italemba@rad.net.id

  • IRANEmbassy of Italy - Teheran 81, Av. Neuphle le Chateau Tel.(009821) 6496955/6/7 Fax 6496961 Telex 0088 214171 ITIE IR

  • IRAQSezione Interessi Italiani a Bagdad Tel. (00873) 682220144 Telefax (00873) 1151471

    Embassy of Italy in London, Great Britain and Northern Ireland  -Click Here - Ambasciata d'Italia a Londra, Gran Bretagna e Irlanda del Nord]
    Office of the Scientific Attaché  -  Click Here - Ufficio dell'Addetto Scientifico
    Italian Cultural Institute  - Click Here - Istituto Italiano di Cultura

    Embassy of Italy in Dublin, Ireland -Click Here - [Ambasciata d'Italia a Dublino, Irlanda]  - Dublino 63/65 Northumberland Road Dublin 4 Tel. (003531) 6601744 Fax 6682759 Telex 0500 93950 ITAL EI
    Italian Cultural Institute - Click Here - Istituto Italiano di Cultura

    Embassy of Italy - Tel Aviv  -  Click Here - [Ambasciata d'Italia a Tel Aviv, Israele] 4, Weizman Street Asia House Tel. (009723) 6964223/4/5 Fax 6918428 Telex 0606 342663 ITADI IL
    Italian Cultural Institute - Click Here -  Istituto Italiano di Cultura

  • JAMAICAEmbassy of Italy- Kingston 10, Rovan Drive Kingston 6 Tel. (00854) 9781273/4 Fax 9780675 Telex 0029 13801 ITALDIPL JA

    Embassy of Italy - Tokyo, Japan  - Click Here - [Ambasciata d'Italia a Tokyo, Giappone]   5-4, Mita 2-chome Minato Ku - Tokyo 108 Tel. (00813) 34535291/1/2/3/4/5 Fax 34562319 Telex 007222433 ITALDIPL J E-Mail: itembtky@gol.com
    National Institute for Foreign Trade in Tokyo, Japan  - Click Here - Istituto Nazionale per il Commercio Estero a Tokyo, Giappone

  • JORDANEmbassy of Italy - Amman Hafiz Ibrahim Street n.5/7 Jebal Al Webdeh Tel. (009626) 638185, 636413 e 624342 Fax 659730 Telex 0049321143 ITADI JO

  • JUGOSLAVIAEmbassy of Italy - Belgrado Bircaninova Ulica, 11 Tel. (0038111) 659722, 659743 Fax 3249413
    Telex 062 12082 ITALB YU

  • KAZAKISTANEmbassy of Italy - Almaty Microrayon, 2 Dom 69 Piano 6 - Uliza Kazbek BI, 20 III piano Tel. (0073272) 639814/639804 Telefax 639636 Telex 064 251567 ITATA SU

  • KENYAEmbassy of Italy - Nairobi International Life House Mama Ngina Street Tel. (002542) 337356/7 e 337777 Fax 337056 Telex 00987 22251 ITALDIPL

    Embassy of Italy in Seoul, Korea (Republic)  - Click Here - [Ambasciata d'Italia a Seul, Corea (Repùbblica)]1 - 398, Hannam-Dong Yongsan - Ku Tel. (00822) 7960491/2/3/4/5 Fax 7975560 Telex 0080124619 ITALDIPK E-Mail: sciseoul@soback.kornet.nm.kr

  • KUWAITEmbassy of Italy - Al Kuwait Shuwaikh B - Blok 5 Shara Jamal/Abdel Nasser Villa n. 9 Tel. (00965) 4817400/4/7/8 Fax 4817244 Telex 00496 22356 ITALDIPL KT 





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