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Last modified: 2001-12-15 by antonio martins
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De tre langskib som Norges konges vaaben
Find this entry at it's new location: bib-soa.html#soe24
Voennaaˆ simvolika — Enciklopediaˆ voennogo izkustva
Find this entry at it's new location: bib-soa.html#sok97
Simvoly gosudarstvennogo suvereniteta
Find this entry at it's new location: bib-soa.html#sol69
State Flags and Coat-of-arms of Ukraine
Find this entry at it's new location: bib-soa.html#sol83
State Flags and Coats of Arms of Tuva
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State symbols of soviet Tajikistan
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State symbols of Soviet Uzbekistan
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The evolution of the state symbols of the Byelorussian S. S. R.
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Unity and plurality of the emblems
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Fagforeningsfaner: Seremoni- og symbolarv i arbeiderbevegelsens pionertid
Find this entry at it's new location: bib-soa.html#sor86
Heráldica municipal malagueña
Find this entry at it's new location: bib-soa.html#sou83
Zur Geschichte von Flagge und Wappen der Republik Österreich
Find this entry at it's new location: bib-soa.html#spa94
Zemelhnie gerby Rossii~ XII-XIX vv
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The Role of a Physician in the Composition of The Star Spangled Banner
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Elements for a sociography of Puerto Rico through its heraldic symbols
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Vikingar i heraldiken
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Heraldik på frimärken, utställning på Postmuseet i Stockholm
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Nye kommunevåbener — Sverige
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Sveriges riksvapen
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Heraldiska frimärken
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Find this entry at it's new location: bib-soa.html#sps34
Tesseræ Gentilitiæ
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South Polls: An Embattled Emblem
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Korsbånd og stjerner: Politisk kultur i EU og Norden
Find this entry at it's new location: bib-soa.html#srn98
Iniciación a la vexilología
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Jakten på det norske: Perspektiver på utviklingen av en nasjonal norsk identitet på 1800-tallet
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Societatea Românâ de Vexilologie
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Souˆz serpa i molota
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Flaggregister, Befälstecken, Igenkänningsflaggor
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Husk at heraldiske våpen bør godkjennes ved kongelig resolusjon
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Flags, Funnels and Hull Colours
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Flags, Funnels and Hull Colours
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Die Wappen der niederbayerischen Landkreise und Gemeinden
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Deutsche Wappen. Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Die Landkreiswappen
Find this entry at it's new location: bib-sta.html#sta64
Deutsche Wappen. Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Die Gemeindewappen des Freistaates Bayern, I. Teil, A — L
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Deutsche Wappen. Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Die Gemeindewappen von Rheinland-Pfalz und Saarland, Bremen, Hamburg, Westberlin. Nachträge und Berichtigungen zu Band 1
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Deutsche Wappen. Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Die Gemeindewappen des Landes Hessen
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Deutsche Wappen. Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Die Gemeindewappen des Freistaates Bayern, II. Teil, M — Z. Nachträge zu Band 4 und 6
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Deutsche Wappen. Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Die Gemeindewappen der Bundesländer Niedersachsen und Schleswig-Holstein
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Deutsche Wappen. Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Die Gemeindewappen des Bundeslandes Baden-Württemberg
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Deutsche Wappen. Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Die Gemeindewappen des Bundeslandes Nordrhein-Westfalen. Nachträge und Berichtigungen zu Band 1
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Grundsatsfragen der Neuzeitlichen Kommunalheraldik
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Wappen in Bayern: Ausstellung des Bayerischen Hauptstaatsarchivs München
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Deutsche Wappen. Bundesrepublik Deutschland
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Find this entry at it's new location: bib-sta.html#stb37
Vlaggen van aller Natien
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Vlaggen van alle Natien
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Un nou steag romanesc
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Flags, Funnels and Hull Colours
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Flags, Funnels and Hull Colours
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The Peary Flag Comes to Rest
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Brown’s Flags and Funnels
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Brown’s flags and Funnels of british and Foreign Steamship Companies
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Identification of Ensign Armorial by Computer
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Adorning the revolution: The primary symbols of Bolshevism, 1917-1918
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The Role of Ritual and Symbols
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Die Deutsche Wappenrolle
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Die Deutsche Wappenrolle
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Klær, uniformer og politikk
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Die Entstehung der Landeswappen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Staatsheraldik
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Testament und Siegel Ivans IV
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Arms and Flags of the Board of Ordnance
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A Look at Malta Insignia
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The Vexillological Heritage of the Knights of Saint John in Malta
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Flag choices of American and Canadian children
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Die österreichische Gemeindeheraldik als Ausdruck neuer kommunaler Gesinnung
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Amedne honorable
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Flags of Political Organisations in South Africa
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Tre Kronor som Europeisk Symbol och Sveriges Riksvapen
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De tre kronorna: Det svenska riksvapnet i sitt europeiska smmanhang
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Three Crowns as a European Symbol and as the Swedish Coat of Arms
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Sveriges Tre Kronor — några Reflexioner
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Uppbådsfanan i Lerbo kyrka, Södermanland
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Historia de la Bandera Canaria
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The van de Veldes
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How to Read a Coat of Arms
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Romeren i Kongsbergs byvåpen — et fremmedelement i norsk heraldikk
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Find this entry at it's new location: bib-stl.html#suo83
Flaget i poesien
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Reglement for saluter fra rigets fæstninger
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Salutreglement saavel for Rigets Flaader, Escadrer, Orlogsfartøier som Fæstninger
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Salutreglement for Rigets Orlogsfartøier og Fæstninger
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Salutreglement med Tillæg om Flage og Kommandotegn
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Dalarnas vapenbok
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Riksvåpnet på norske mynter 1906-1908: En dokumentasjon
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Svenska örlogsflottans flaggor och befäls- m.fl. tecken
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SAVA Journal
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Det danske rigsvåben og kongevåben — udvikling og anvendelse
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Skandinavisk Vapenrulla
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Les emblèmes des Forces armées belges
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The Canadian Arms of Dominion and Sovereignty
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Canada: Symbols of Sovereignty
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Of crowns and kangaroos, being a consideration of certain aspects of heraldry in the British Empire and Commonwealth
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Med pil och rosors märke...
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The New Illustrated Guide to Modern Aircraft Markings
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Culture in Action: Symbols and Strategies
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Revner i den etniske mosaik: «Makedonien» i Toronto
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Cracks in the Ethnic Mosaic: «Macedonia» in Toronto
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Representaciones vexilológicas en las Cantigas de Alfonso X el Sabio
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Un Ejemplo de un Importante Aspecto Vexilológico de la Documentación Española
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Les emblèmes héraldiques dans le culture hindoue
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The colours of Prince Charles and the vexillological ornamentation at his funeral
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Un paraíso entre banderas: el fresco del muro oeste de Qusayr ’Amra
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