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Sådan bruges Dannebrog
Find this entry at it's new location: bib-maa.html#maa95
Flags. Some account of their history and uses
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Forslag til lov om flagg og flaggbruk
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Forslag til lov om flagg og flaggbruk: tillegg
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Forslag til ny norsk flagglov: en orientering
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International flag standard (Draft)
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Forslag til ny norsk flagglov
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International flag standard (Draft)
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A Contribution to New Glory
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Flag and heraldry
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Norske kommunevåpen og -flagg. Arbeidsutgave
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Norske kommunevåpen og -flagg. Systematisk ordnet
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Flagg på fritidsfarkoster i Åland
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Flag usage in Norway
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Das Restaurieren historischer Fahnen: Ein Beitrag über die Schäden durch frühere Konservierungs- und Restaurierungsarbeiten
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Einige neue Aspekte über Fahnen von Schweizer Regimentern in österreichischen Diensten
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Fahnen und ihre Symbole
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Coat of Arms
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Avdelingsmerker og gradtegn på uniform i Det norske forsvar 1940-1997 — Hæren, Sjøforsvaret, Luftforsvaret, Heimeværnet
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Foreningens flagg og stander
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Flags of All Nations
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Flags of All Nations
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Banderas y Escudos de las Comunidades Autónomas
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Banderas y Escudos de las provincias de España
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Beitrüge zur Flaggengeschichte der deutschen Staaten und Provinzen von 1789 bis 1871
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Beitrag zur Heraldik und Vexillologie von Vorder-Österreich
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Der Doppeladler als staatsrechtliches Symbol in der Schweizer Geschichte
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Der Schwenkel
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The Stars and the Stripes
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Canada’s Flag: A Search for a Country
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Handelsflagget: Instruks for dets behandling og bruk
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Spørgsmaalet om Bergens Byvaaben og Flag skal nu endelig afgjøres
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Avstemningen om Bergens vaaben og flag
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Bystyret bestemmer at Bergens vaaben og segl skal være tretaarnet
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Professor Kolsrud og hans stilling til Bergens vaaben og segl
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Formandskapet tar ikke hensyn til riksarkivarens bemerkninger til den tretaarnede borg
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Hvad riksantikvaren mener om beslutningen om Bergens vaaben og segl
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Vil riksarkivaren og departementet forkludre Bergens vaaben?
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Les communes genevoises et leurs armoiries
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Find this entry at it's new location: bib-mas.html#mby67
The arms of the King of Scots and selected heraldry
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Flags: Some Account of Their Use and History
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Vlajky a Znaky Zemí Svìta
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The Orbis Encyclopedia of Flags and Coats of Arms
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Webster’s concise Encyclopedia of flags & coats of Arms
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Vlajky a Znaky Zemí Svìta
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Design for Peace: Origin of the UN Emblem
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The Observer’s Book of Heraldry
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Forestillinger om kongen i norsk middelalder gjennom ritualene og symbolene rundt ham
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Graphic Agitation: Social and Political Agitation since the Sixties
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The United Nations Emblem and Flag
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Sur l’origine des armoiries des Principautés Roumaines
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L’évolution historique des armoiries des Principautés Roumaines du XVe au XIXe siècle
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Les armoiries des Principautés Roumaines à la veille de leur union: 1830-1858
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L’héraldique d’état des Principautés Unies (1859-1866)
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La question des armes de la Roumanie devant les Assemblées en 1866/67 et 1871/72
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Les armes de la Transylvanie (XVIe-XXe s.)
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L’héraldique d’état de la Roumanie contemporaine de 1918 à nos jours
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I pledge a Legion
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L’origine des armes du Royaume d’Italie
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Meddelanden från Riksheraldikerämbetet
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Deutsche Nationalflaggen vom Mittelalter bis zum II. Weltkrieg. Teil V: Flaggen der Weimarer Republik
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Deutsche Nationalflaggen vom Mittelalter bis zum II. Weltkrieg. Teil I: Das Heilige Römische Reich deutscher Nation
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Deutsche Nationalflaggen vom Mittelalter bis zum II. Weltkrieg. Teil II: Die Flaggen des Revolutionsjahres 1848
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Deutsche Nationalflaggen vom Mittelalter bis zum II. Weltkrieg. Teil III: Norddeutscher Bund und Deutsches Reich bis 1918
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Deutsche Nationalflaggen vom Mittelalter bis zum II. Weltkrieg. Teil IV: Exkurs: 1. Weltkrieg
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Om at føre våbenskjold
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Tre återförvärvade troféer och fyra försmådda
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The towel as a badge of Wenceslas, King of Germany and Bohemia, and its transformations
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The British Merchant Jack
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Sea Flags — Their General Use
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Description of Royal and Signal Colours, etc (1702 to 1837)
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Description of Royal and Signal Colours, etc (1702 to 1837)
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Atlas de Bolivia
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Fylkesmerker — og ættevaaben
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Nogle Oplysninger om svenske og danske Faner, Flag og Felttegn i det 16:de Århundrede
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Bandila: The Story of the Philippine Flag
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The Damned Confederate Flag: The Development of an American Symbol, 1865-1995
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The 1910 Union of South Africa national flag competition
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Armorial des communes du Jura bernois
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Die rote Fahne
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Sturmfahne und Standarte
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Meddelanden från Riksheraldikerämbetet
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Meddelande från VSHS
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Det fyrste reine, norske flagget i Øystre Slidre
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Notes on the Manx Flag
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Libro sticker: Bandiere di tutti paesi del mondo
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Stickerboek vlaggen — alle landen van de wereld
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Blood Sacrifice and the Nation: Totem Rituals and the American Flag
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Puolustusvoimain uusita joukko-osastolipuista
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Tableau militaire des drapeaux, étendards et guidons des troupes au service de la France, 1771
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Materiale de vexilologie heraldica (mentiuni si desrieri de steaguri si drapele moldovensti din sec. XV- miljocul sec. XIX)
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Atlas Mira
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Stokkfisk og Stuemerker på Bryggen i Bergen
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Arms and Flags of the Indian Princely States, Vol: 1
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Arms and Flags of the Indian Princely States, Vol: 2
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Arms and Flags of the Indian Princely States, Vol: 3
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Meyers Konversations-Lexikon. Eine Encyklopädie des allgemeinen Wissens
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Meyers Konversations-Lexikon. Eine Encyklopädie des allgemeinen Wissens
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Meyers Konversations-Lexikon. Eine Encyklopädie des allgemeinen Wissens
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Flatternde Zeichen — Fahnenkult in der DDR
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The Byzantine Empire and Heraldry
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Flags and symbols
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Choragwie i Flagi Polskie
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Godlo i barwa polski samorzadowej — Hery i flagi miast i gmin polskich
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Struzzjonijiet dwar l-uzu ta’ bnadar. Instructions on the use of flags
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Bedstefars flag
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The Story of the Scottish Flag
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Fahnen und ihre Symbole. Drapeaux et leurs symboles. Flags and their symbols
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Northern Rhodesia tax stamps as an aid to chronology
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Wappen und Flaggen im modernen Staat
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Finska fälttecken, bevarade i Finland
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Svenska fanor erövrade vid Ljesna och Poltava
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Beitrag zur Geschichte der Fahnen und Flaggen Deutscher Lünder, II. Teil: Binnenländer
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Beitrag zur Geschichte der Fahnen und Flaggen Deutscher Lünder, III. Teil: Küstenländer, 1. Die Hansestädte
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Beitrag zur Geschichte der Fahnen und Flaggen Deutscher Lünder, III. Teil: Küstenländer, 2. Die Flächenstaaten, a. Hannover, b. Kniphausen, c. Oldenburg
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Beitrag zur Geschichte der Fahnen und Flaggen Deutscher Lünder, III. Teil: Küstenländer, 2. Die Flächenstaaten, d. Mecklenburg
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Beitrag zur Geschichte der Fahnen und Flaggen Deutscher Lünder, III. Teil: Küstenländer, 2. Die Flächenstaaten, e. Schleswig-Holstein
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Beitrag zur Geschichte der Fahnen und Flaggen deutscher Länder
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Wappen des Kantons Appenzell A/R und seiner 20 Gemeinden
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Nations Without States: A Historical Dictionary of Contemporary National Movements
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Handbuch Militärisches Grundwissen
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The Birthing of the American Flag and the Invention of an American Founding Mother in the Image of Betsy Ross
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Ceská státni a vojenská symbolika/Czech state and military symbols
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Simle Tseva haganah le-Yisrael / Insignia of the Israel Defence Forces
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Norges Flagg
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Splittflagget — deler båtfolket i to
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Veneilijän lippukirja. Båtförarens flaggbok
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Introduction: Understanding the Debate over Confederate Symbols
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Lukashenka’s Victory
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St.Blaise and Liberty: The flags of Ragusa
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Traditionalist versus Reconstructionists: The Case of the Georgia State Flag, Part One
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Collins Gem Flags of the World
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Das grosse Strassburger Stadtbanner
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Enseignes françaises de 1557-1558
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Theorizing the Flagbody: Symbolic Dimensions of the Flag Desecration Debate, or, Why the Bill of Rights Does Not Fly in the Ballpark
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A history of Ottoman naval flags
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A history of Ottoman military flags
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Confederate Symbols, the Courts, and the Political Question Doctrine
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Traditionalist Perspectives on Confederate Symbols
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Da origem e evolução das armas nacionais: Sua crítica
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Caesarism, Circuses, and Monuments
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Nationalization of the Masses : Political Symbolism and Mass Movements in Germany from the Napoleonic Wars Through the Third Reich
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The Symbolic Meaning of Copernicus’ Seal
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Wrangels länsfanor
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The privilege of ’proximity’: towards a re-definition of the function of armorials
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Symbols of Nationhood
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Symbols of Nationhood
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Fanor och standar i rörelse
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Vår enighets fana — ett sekel fackliga fanor
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Vår fana röd till fargen: Fanor som medium för visuell kommunikation under arbetarrörelsens genombrottstid i Sverige fram till 1890
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The Icon of the American Republic: A Study In Political Symbolism
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Militaria Austriaca
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The Soapstone Birds of Greater Zimbabwe: Symbols of a Nation
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Des prétentions territoriales à l’origine des armoiries luxembourgoises
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Det norske Kongevåpen
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Et middelalder-våben i Slidre kirke
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The Oldest Macedonian Coats of Arms
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La Bandera y el escudo dominicano: escudos heráldicos y otras banderas que han tremolado en la Isla
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Det Trappska flaggförslaget
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A contribution to the history of the colors of Alsace and her cities
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Flaggning med EU-flagga i Finland
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Ny flaggförening grundad i Finland
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A propos de l’origine du drapeau le Scanderbeg
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Geschichte und Politik im Spiegel der Staatschefsstandarten
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Les pavillons des nations maritimes au XVIIe siecle d’après le manuscript de J. Moutton
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Les drapeauz des Cent-Suisses de la Garde du roi de France
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Das Flaggenwesen in der schweizerischen Schiffahrt
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Die Thurgauer Gemeinden und ihre Wappen
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Héraldique territoriale et municipale de la République Gabonaise
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Wappen und Fahnen der Schweiz
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Armoiries et drapeaux de la Suisse
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Et gammelt bergensk rederiflagg
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Dannebrog i blått på danske og norske skip
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Det norske flagg skal være lyse-grønt med hvidt kors
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Er Kristiansands gamle byflagg funnet?
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Militære kommando- og rangflagg i Norden IV: Sverige
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Militære kommando- og rangflagg i Norden
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National Danish-Norwegian flags 1600-1800
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Rune symbols of the SS of Nazi Germany
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The full report of the case of The Mayor, Aldermen and Citizens of the City of Manchester versus The Manchester Palace of Varieties
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Die Gemeindewappen des Kantons Aargau
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State Symbols: The Quest for Legitimacy in the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic, 1949-1959
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Legitimating the postwar Germanies: State symbols, 1949-1958
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Arkeologi og nazisme — en farlig okkupasjon
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Fortida som propaganda: Arkeologi og nazisme — en farlig okkupasjon
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Protecting the Emblems in peacetime: the experiences of the British Red Cross Society
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Saracenic heraldry
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