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Title: Grønlands våben
(in English: The arms of Greenland)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Hans Chr Bjerg
Language: Danish
Source title: [hts]
Source number (date): 31 (1975)
Source pages: 39-48
Title: Norske sigiller fra middelalderen: Kongelige og fyrstelige segl
Medium: book
Main author(s): Chr. Brinchmann; H. J. Huitfeldt-Kaas
Edition (publisher: place): Det Mallingske Bogtrykkeri: Oslo (Norway)
Language: Norwegian (Bokmål)
Edition date: 1924
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Title: Die böhmischen Krönungsinsignien
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Main author(s): Alexander Belohlavek
Language: German (High)
Source title: Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte
Source number (date): 54 (1990)
Source pages: 209-215
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Title: Politische Symbole im Austrofaschismus und Nationalsozialismus: 1934 / 1938 / 1945
(in English: Political symbols during Austrofascism and National Socialism: 1934 / 1938 / 1945)
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Main author(s): Christian Böhm-Ermolli
Language: German (High)
Source title: lwa94
Source number (date): (1994)
Source pages: 65-80
Source edition (publisher: place): Böhlau Verlag: Wien (Austria)
Catalogue codes: ISBN:3-205-98101-4
Remarks: Book section. Schriftenreihe des Ludwig-Boltzmann-Instituts für neuere österreichische Geistgeschichte
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Title: Svenska flaggans bruk
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Main author(s): Arne Biörnstad
Language: Swedish
Source title: Fataburen: Nordiska museets och Skansens årsbok
Source number (date): (1967)
Source pages: 43-56
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Title: Den svenska flaggans dag
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Main author(s): Arne Biörnstad
Language: Swedish
Source title: Från fälttåg till folkfest: Nordiska flaggor, fanor och symboler
Source number (date): (1993)
Source pages: 58-73
Source edition (publisher: place): Stiftelsen Läckö institutet: Uddevalla (Sweden)
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Title: Le Tricolore et l’étoile: The Origin of the Acadian National Flag, 1867- 1912
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Main author(s): Perry Biddiscombe
Language: English
Source title: Acadiensis: Journal of the history of the Atlantic region
Source number (date): 20 (1990)
Source pages: 120-147
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Title: Frederick Marryat und sein Signalcode
(in English: Frederick Marryat and his signal code)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Thilo Biegler
Language: German (High)
Source title: [dfk]
Source number (date): 12 (2000)
Source pages: 26-37
Title: Das Signalisieren mit Flaggen auf See
(in English: Signalling with flags at sea)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Thilo Biegler
Language: German (High)
Source title: [dfk]
Source number (date): 4 (1996)
Source pages: 8-14; 38
Remarks: Avaliable on line at
Title: Flaggenführung der Schiffe und Boote der deutschen Kriegsmarine nach der Kapitulation 1945
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Thilo Biegler
Language: German (High)
Source title: [icv93]
Source number (date): (1999)
Source pages: 186
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Title: Great Britain v. France: Agreement between Great Britain and France referring to arbitration the right of certain Muscat dhows to fly the French
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Language: English
Source title: American Journal of International Law
Source number (date): 2 (1908)
Source pages: 921-928
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Title: Schlag nach! Wissenswerte Tatsachen aus allen Gebieten
(in English: Look up! Interesting facts from all areas)
Medium: book
Edition (publisher: place): Bibliographisches Institut: Leipzig (Germany)
Language: German (High)
Edition date: 1938
Pages: 640 + 12 pl.
Format: 185×120 mm
Remarks: contains 3 pl. with German flags, 2 pl. with international flags, 2 pl. with aircraft markings
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Title: Vaabenets form og navnets form
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Main author(s): Just Bing
Language: Norwegian (Bokmål)
Source title: Bergens Tidende
Source number (date): (1923)
Source edition (publisher: place): (unknown publ.): Bergen (Norway)
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Title: Bronsvimpeln från Grimsta
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Main author(s): Margareta Biörnstad
Language: Swedish
Source title: Antikvariskt arkiv
Source number (date): (1958)
Source pages: 1-39
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Title: Die Reichssturmfahne im Spiegel der Heraldik Württembergs
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Hans Dietrich Birk
Language: German (High)
Source title: [ghc74]
Source number (date): (1978)
Source pages: 451-460
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Title: Banner und Schild der Hohenstaufen von 1220
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Hans Dietrich Birk
Language: German (High)
Source title: [icv79]
Source number (date): (1979)
Source pages: 54-59
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Title: The Arch of Septimius Severus in the Roman Forum
Medium: book
Main author(s): Richard Brilliant
Edition (publisher: place): American Academy: Roma (Italy)
Language: English
Edition date: 1967 (1st ed.)
Pages: 271
Remarks: Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome 29
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Title: Roman records from Vindolanda on Hadrian’s Wall
Medium: book
Main author(s): Robin Birley
Edition (publisher: place): Roman Army Museum Publications: Carvoran (United Kingdom)
Language: English
Edition date: 1999 (3rd ed.)
Catalogue codes: ISBN 1-873136-91-9
Pages: 82
Format: 208×148 mm
Title: Star-Spangled History: Drawings by Joseph Boggs Beale Magic Lantern Artist 1841-1926
Medium: book
Main author(s): Joseph Boggs Beale
Edition (publisher: place): American National Insurance Company: Galveston (United States)
Language: English
Edition date: 1975
Catalogue codes: ISBN:0-915902-50-8
Pages: 75
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Title: Dannebrog fra kongebanner til orlogsflag og fane
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Main author(s): Th. Bjerre
Language: Danish
Source title: Fra flådens arkiver
Source number (date): (1958)
Source pages: 4-32
Source edition (publisher: place): Våbenhistorisk selskab: København (Denmark)
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Title: Heraldry of the Portugese Air Forces
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): J. G. Calvão Borges
Language: English
Source title: [ghc86]
Source number (date): (1989)
Source pages: 101-105
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Title: Det norske flagget av 1821
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Main author(s): Johannes H. Berg
Language: Norwegian (Bokmål)
Source title: Jakten på det norske: Perspektiver på utviklingen av en nasjonal norsk identitet på 1800-tallet
Source number (date): 13 (1998)
Source edition (publisher: place): Ad Notam Gyldendal: Oslo (Norway)
Catalogue codes: ISBN:82-417-0952-8
Remarks: Book section. KULT-serien
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Title: 17. mai-feiring på slutten av 1800-tallet — en politisk valgkamp?
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Main author(s): Hildegunn Bjørgen
Language: Norwegian (Bokmål)
Source title: Jakten på det norske: Perspektiver på utviklingen av en nasjonal norsk identitet på 1800-tallet
Source number (date): 13 (1998)
Source pages: 185-194
Source edition (publisher: place): Ad Notam Gyldendal: Oslo (Norway)
Catalogue codes: ISBN:82-417-0952-8
Remarks: Book section. KULT-serien
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Title: Symbolikken i det nye universitetsemblemet
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Main author(s): Narve Bjørgo
Language: Norwegian (Bokmål)
Source title: Kultur-Kontakt
Source number (date): 20 (1984)
Source pages: 92-94
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Title: Källmaterialet. Stadens vapen och sigill
(in English: Sweden: Arms of city of Malmö)
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Main author(s): Oscar Bjurling
Secondary author(s): Oscar Bjurling
Language: Swedish
Source title: Malmöstads historia
Source number (date): (1971)
Source pages: 173-179
Source edition (publisher: place): Allhems Förlag: Malmö (Sweden)
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- [bka78]
- Stjørdal kommunes segl. Bidrag til seglets historie og legenden om Sancta Margaretha
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- [bke90]
- Historians, Anthropologists, and Symbols
Find this entry at it's new location: bib-bka.html#bke90
- [bkk35]
- Unionsmerke fyrr og no
Find this entry at it's new location: bib-bka.html#bkk35
- [bkl94]
- Flags of Europe: Symbols of nationhood
Find this entry at it's new location: bib-bka.html#bkl94
- [bkm79]
- Lexikon Städte und Wappen der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik
Find this entry at it's new location: bib-bka.html#bkm79
- [bkn17]
- Det islandske Flag
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- [bkr81]
- Armies and enemies of Imperial Rome - organization, tactics, dress and weapons
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- [bks28]
- Faner og standarter; [Flaggplansje]
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- [bku94]
- Flagị belarusị ŭĉora ị sënnâ | Флагі веларусі ўчора і сёння
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- [bla36]
- Fahnen, Flaggen und Standarten
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- [bla81]
- ?
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- [blb97]
- Halvmåne og stjerne på blå bunn
Find this entry at it's new location: bib-bka.html#blb97
- [blc86]
- Päpstliche Heraldik
Find this entry at it's new location: bib-bka.html#blc86
- [blc93]
- Die Wappen des Bundes und der Länder in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Find this entry at it's new location: bib-bka.html#blc93
- [blc93a]
- Streiflichter: Heraldisch-Genealogische Strömungen in den Ostblockländern nach der “Wende”
Find this entry at it's new location: bib-bka.html#blc93a
- [blc97]
- Grundzüge der wittelsbachischen Heraldik im Hennegau und in Holland
Find this entry at it's new location: bib-bka.html#blc97
- [blc99]
- Heraldik im Trojanerkrieg Konrads von Würzburg und ihre Reflexion des Wappenwesens seiner Zeit
Find this entry at it's new location: bib-bka.html#blc99
- [blc99a]
- L’héraldique religieuse / Religiöse Heraldik / Religious heraldry
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- [ble87]
- The pine tree as the first American flag
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- [blg96]
- Belgia
Find this entry at it's new location: bib-bka.html#blg96
- [blh20]
- Die Fähnchen und Schildzeichen des Teppichs von Bayeux
Find this entry at it's new location: bib-bka.html#blh20
- [bli82]
- De gylne skipsfløyer fra sen vikingetid. Bruk og teknikk
Find this entry at it's new location: bib-bka.html#bli82
- [bli83]
- De yngre middelalderske skipsfløyer i Norge
Find this entry at it's new location: bib-bka.html#bli83
- [bll30]
- Indian Cavalry Standards
Find this entry at it's new location: bib-bka.html#bll30
- [bln91]
- Kommando- und Staatsflaggen [sic!] der Luftwaffe ab 1937
Find this entry at it's new location: bib-bka.html#bln91
- [bln92]
- Die Kommandoflaggen der Ordnungspolizei ab 1937
Find this entry at it's new location: bib-bka.html#bln92
- [blo20]
- British Naval Flags of Command
Find this entry at it's new location: bib-bka.html#blo20
- [blp79]
- Kommentar
Find this entry at it's new location: bib-bka.html#blp79
- [blr67]
- Das Wappen des Bezirkes Niederbayern
Find this entry at it's new location: bib-bka.html#blr67
- [bls92]
- Freedom of Speech and Flag Desecration: A Comparative Study of German, European, and United States Laws
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- [blt70]
- ?
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- [blt73]
- ?
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- [blt78]
- ?
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- [blt82]
- ?
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- [blv04]
- Album Shtandartov, Flagov i Vympelov Rossiiskoi Imperii i Inostrannykh Gosudarstv
Find this entry at it's new location: bib-bka.html#blv04
- [bly69]
- Septimius Severus and the Roman army
Find this entry at it's new location: bib-bka.html#bly69